Worcester's Abbie Hoffman was integral to the Civil Rights Movement beginning here. |
Urban Studies students in the Research Seminar/Capstone class continue to make their end-of-semester research presentations. Recently we heard about the following projects:
- Christian Tsetsos is preparing an elementary-aged mentoring program proposal for Worcester schools based on a survey of best practices among national mentoring programs. .
- Katie Benoit is looking at the Civil Rights Movement in Worcester and how the city was racially, socially, and economically divided in the 1960s. .
- Tia Spetaccino is exploring how foster children programs in the United States and what happens with the 20,000 children who annually "age out" of the system.
- Dannielle Morrow is examining transportation systems in Worcester and ways that mid-sized American cities can help their populations diminish their reliance on cars.
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