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Summer 2014 Urban Studies Class Offerings

Summer I 2014 Class Offerings

Department of Urban Studies


UR 101   Introduction to Urban Studies                       

A broad contextual overview of urban life that examines the relationship of people to their environment from an interdisciplinary perspective.  A great first class in this dynamic academic field.


MW     9:00-12:00       Alan Gordon                3 credits          S 320


UR 191    ST:  Worcester Politics/Urban Political Systems

 This class explores 20th century American urban political systems by diving deeply into the history of the Worcester government and politics. Through reading, discussion, and research projects, the class will examine the original city government (including the 100 years before the current City Manager system) to today with the bulk of our attention focusing on the period between 1900 and 2000.


TR       6:00-9:00          Dr. Thomas Conroy     3 credits         S 320




Summer II 2014 Class Offerings

Department of Urban Studies
UR 101   Introduction to Urban Studies                                           

A broad contextual overview of urban life that examines the relationship of people to their environment from an interdisciplinary perspective.


M      5:30-8:30           Dr. Timothy Murphy     3 credits        S 314

This is a hybrid course. It meets online and in class.


UR 213    ST: Human Identity and Urban Environment    
Pre-Requisite:  UR 101 

 Study of factors affecting identity in contemporary urban settings including race, ethnicity, class, age, and sex categories and roles.


TR       5:30-8:30          Dr. Timothy Murphy      3 credits       S 314


UR 290    Gender and the City                                          

 Exploration of the ways in which gender, both male and female, structures responses of individuals to urban life and spaces.


W       5:00-8:00          Dr. Madeline Campbell   3 credits     S 314

This is a hybrid course. It meets online and in class.



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