Pascual Vasquez, Ricaury January 25, 2024 The WSU Teaching Garden Highlights I interviewed Isabel and Dylan last semester, to learn more about the highlights of the WSU Teaching Garden and how the growing & harvesting seasons went this past year. Isabel is the Manager of the Worcester State Garden. Isabel shared her difficulties with the Garden and her proudest moments this year. Isabel stated that her most challenging moments were frosts that happened in the middle of May which affected the growth of the plants, making it difficult for her and the community to harvest/produce. Additionally, she explained the water was shut off for a whole month which made it quite difficult to get water for the plants, having to travel to different places and making sure they were getting enough to keep the plants alive. Another thing Isabel would have preferred is less rain, as it was very rainy this year. Isabel's highlight when working in the garden this year was helping the child...
A blog for the activities of the Department of Urban Studies at Worcester State University.