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Urban Studies 2024 Academic Awards

The Urban Studies faculty is proud to present the department's 2024 Academic Achievement Award winners and newest inductees into Upsilon Sigma, the Urban Studies Honor Society. 


The Jake Powers Award -- Skylar Adcock
Urban Studies student who is an innovative, original thinker, whose time in the department has emboldened them to pursue personal and professional opportunities they may not have previously considered, and to achieve them with determination, grit, and courage.

The Maureen Power Service Award -- Lamar Brown-Noguera
Presented to students with an impressive track record of service and who can best articulate why service is significant to them and their academic/professional careers, and how it advances the mission of the department.

Department Academic Award (Top GPA) -- Elizabeth Stone
Given to the highest-ranking senior in Urban Studies who best represents the mission of the Foundation.

Standard Bearer for Undergraduate Commencement -- Noah Stuart
The standard bearer carries the department flag and leads their fellow graduates in the opening and closing commencement processions.

Francis "Tuck" Amory Travel Fund -- Elizabeth Stone
Over many years, Tuck Amory built a generous fund that helps Urban Studies majors cover travel expenses for research trips and conference presentations. This year, Liz received over $800 to co-present a paper at a national conference in Washington, DC. 


Recipient of Graduate Medallion for Highest G.P.A -- Megan Pereira


Undergraduate Students                                                   
Skylar Adcock
Benjamin Barter
Melody Byrne
Morgan Mercadante
Diane Parker
Mariah Silvester
Elizabeth Stone

Graduate Students
Daniel Cahill
Megan Periera
Nahrin Sangkagalo
Ashim Upreti

Congratulations to all award recipients and inductees.  


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